Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Barn Again

It has been a long wait, but the cupolas are finally attached to the top of the barn. They were originally removed in 2003 with the help of DP&L, and one of their bucket trucks, and Jim Crawshaw repaired them for us.

A lot of things happened after the cupolas were repaired which kept the work crew from installing the cupolas. However with the help of DP&L and their bucket truck, the cupolas are now in place thanks to the efforts of Ralph Kuester, Regina Kleinhenz and Claude Keeling.

Other pictures were taken the day we installed the cupolas. As soon as I receive them, I will update the blogspot.
If you have been around the Homestead lately, you will also notice that the studio has been painted. The east side of the barn and the north end under the overhang has also been painted. The south east corner of the barn has had the foundation repaired and new siding has been installed. We hope to get the rest of the barn painted before harvest fest.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Englewood Parade 2010

Each year some of the Trotwood-Madison Historical Society drive their tractors in the Englewood Parade. This year Tony and Regina Kleinhenz, Danny Scarbro and Claude Keeling drove our tractors. We usually have more tractors in the parade, but, the Keelings and the Kleinhenzs have some tractors down for maintenance and could not be driven in the parade.

It was a beautiful day for the parade, however, it was a little warm. There are participants in the parade that come each year and it is always a lot of fun catching up with what is happening with the.

I have included a slide show of some of the participants in the parade. I think you will recognize the Trotwood-Madison Historical Society--they are the four four tractors in a line (1st is Regina(ford), 2nd is Claude (ford), 3rd is Danny (oliver) and 4th is Tony (farmall). Individual pictures are also included.