Linda and I went to Wellville, Kansas--a rather long trip for a corn binder. We had a rather enjoyable trip. When we arrived in Wellville, the individual who owned the binder was a young man who said that he had bought it at an auction. If he had not bought the binder, the owner was going to sell it for scrap. He really was interested in keeping the binder from the scrap yard and was happy that we decided to buy it.
Unfortunately, the knotter on the binder had been stolen and I had to look for a new knotter. I was fortunate because I found another binder locally on Infirmary Road. It was in bad shape, but, did have a complete knotter that was intact. I bought the binder to get the knotter. Now we have many extra parts we can recover and keep for future use. The binder did not have the bundle carrier, but, had all the drives and connections for a bundle carrier. Phillip Kleinhenz found a bundle carrier near DeGraf that will fit the binder I got in Kansas. When we get through with restoration, we will have a binder and bundle carrier. Our goal is to have the binder renovated for the next Harvest Fest. I we have moved the binder into the Homestead Barn and have began renovation. It will be a slow process, but, the Keeling's and Kleinhenz's are anxiously waiting the renovation. We plan on going back to the original colors and markings. If anyone knows what these colors and markings are, please contact me at 937-837-5387 or email If you have any pictures showing the original colors and markings, please send them to my email address. As we make progress, I will keep you posted. When finished, I will also post a new picture of the renovated corn binder.