The Trotwood-Madison Historical Society will hold its 11th Annual Iams Homestead Pioneer Harvest Fest Saturday, October 10, 2009 at the Iams Homestead, 349 South Broadway, Trotwood, Ohio 45426. The fest will start at 10:00 AM and will go to 5:00 PM.
We will be having many of the same events that we had last year. To read about and see a slide show of last year's fest click, or cut and paste, the following link: http://t-mhs.blogspot.com/2008/10/10th-annual-iams-homestead-pioneer_31.html .
The harvest fest is always a fun-filled day and admission is free. We will have antique tractors and farm equipment on display. We will also have demonstrations on the husker-shredder, corn binder, wool spinning, and possibly other things that were done on the farms of the past.
The museum will be open for tours. One room upstairs is set up as an old school room. This room contains many of the composite pictures from the old Trotwood-Madison High School. Please stop by for a look and, if you recognize anyone in the pictures, let a member of the Society know. Another room up stairs contains bedroom furniture and other items from days gone by. The rest of the museum will have the current displays for your viewing pleasure.
We will also have old hand tools on display as well as old hand crank corn shellers for the children to use. One of the best parts of the fest is the open fire cooked chili and hotdogs. I doubt that you will find any better chili anywhere in this area. Sodas and water will also be available
There will be a corn shelling contest in the afternoon and hayrides will be given throughout the day. There are a lot of things for families to do. I think the best thing about the fest is that families can spend a day together and enjoy themselves. Every year the crowd gets larger and they stay longer.

This year we have added a new group to our list of things to do and see. Herb 'n Anvil offer an interactive blacksmithing experience that gives young people the opportunity to shape metal like a real blacksmith. The smith heats a hook and the kids get to put a decorative twist in it, thus seeing how heat transforms the metal. Kids get to keep the hook as a souvenir. Participation helps people learn how blacksmiths have turned raw metal into useful tools for centuries. In addition, there is a display of herbs used as medicine before the era of pharmaceutical medication
We are still in the planning phase and as we get closer to the harvest fest, our program will be finalized. Please check this site from time to time to see what has been added. Also click on the slide show to see more of Herb & Anvil pictures.